Conducting Elections for Community Associations • HARD COPY


4-hours Total Electives (4-ELE)• DBPR 0003124
This manual presents you with practical ways to conduct elections and shows examples of election notices, ballots, proxies and all election documents, guidelines on simplifying the process for electing directors, corporate officers, the correct procedure for filing vacancies between elections and includes all forms for the election process. This is a manual you won’t want to do without

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4-hours Total Electives (4-ELE)• DBPR 0003124
This manual presents you with practical ways to conduct elections and shows examples of election notices, ballots, proxies and all election documents, guidelines on simplifying the process for electing directors, corporate officers, the correct procedure for filing vacancies between elections and includes all forms for the election process. This is a manual you won’t want to do without!