The Law Spot-Know the amount of insurance you must carry
Contractor Newsletter May 2018 Edition Know the amount of insurance you must carry Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G4-15.003 requires that before you obtain an initial certificate or registration, or renew an active certificate or registration, or to change the status of an active certificate or registration, you submit a signed affidavit attesting to […]
CAM Newsletter May-Happy sales
CAM Newsletter May 2018 Happy Sales Does your community allow for garage or yard sales? If the answer is yes, then it’s time to get planning for a summer sale. Yard sales, garage sales, rummage sales or bazars are a fantastic way to bring people together. One community hosts a “Trail of Sales” each […]
The Law Spot-Is your association using Internet-based voting?
CAM Newsletter May 2018 Is your association using Internet-based voting? A woman in line at a grocery store recently complained, “My association is about to require that we vote for new members online. Do they think I’m going to buy a computer just so I can vote?” Fear of electronic voting may not be […]
Ask Fred- I’m a relatively new community association manager
CAM Newsletter May 2018 Question: I’m a relatively new community association manager in a homeowner’s association. I know that there are differences between an annual meeting and special meetings, but could you explain it and let me know where to find the rule for this? Answer: Section 720.306(2) and (3) of the Florida Statutes […]
Taking your community to the street
CAM Newsletter March 2018 Community Service Month Taking your community to the street April is the month to observe everything from straw hats to staying aware of stress. April is also Community Service month, and what better way to celebrate than with the members and owners of your community association. Get your community […]
The Law Spot-Indemnification from negligent acts or omissions Protection by contract
CAM Newsletter March 2018 Indemnification from negligent acts or omissions Protection by contract If you’ve ever driven by the scene of a fender bender, then you’ve witnesses your garden variety negligence. Most car wrecks can be classified has occurring because of the negligence of someone. A driver backs into his neighbor’s car because […]
Ask Fred-CAMs have professional standards in the performance of their duties.
CAM Newsletter March 2018 CAMs have professional standards in the performance of their duties. Question: I work for a Community Association Management Firm and we manage several properties. One of the other managers is what I can only term as incredibly lazy. Whenever work can be pawned off on someone else you can […]
Ask Fred-A quick glance at Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-1.011 will keep you up-to-date on fees.
Real Estate Newsletter February 2018 A quick glance at Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-1.011 will keep you up-to-date on fees. Question: Was there was a change to fees that real estate professionals are required to pay? Answer: Yes. A change took effect in September of 2017, but it may not have been as […]
The Law Spot-Real Estate Professionals May Take Examinations in Native Languag
Real Estate Newsletter February 2018 Real Estate Professionals May Take Examinations in Native Language Since 1977, the Florida legislature has encouraged the use of foreign-speaking Florida residents to become actively qualified in their professions “so that all Florida citizens may receive better service.” The state of Florida is home to people who speak […]
Beyond Irma in 2018
Real Estate Newsletter February 2018 Hurricanes in Florida are fairly common place, but every few years a hurricane impacts Floridians more profoundly. An estimated 90 percent of homes in the Florida Keys suffered major damage, and neighborhoods across the state took a huge hit. As rebuilding began, the resilience of Florida homeowners was clear. […]