Ask Fred- I’m a relatively new community association manager

CAM Newsletter
May 2018


Question:  I’m a relatively new community association manager in a homeowner’s association.  I know that there are differences between an annual meeting and special meetings, but could you explain it and let me know where to find the rule for this?

Answer:  Section 720.306(2) and (3) of the Florida Statutes are your source for a description of both types of meetings.  Under section 720.306(2), an association is required to hold meeting of its members annually for the transaction of any and all proper business.  If the association needs to elect directors, the election must be held during the annual meeting, unless the governing documents allow for a different method for electing directors.  Section 720.306(3) special meetings are held to conduct limited business, which must be described in the notice for the meeting.  Special meetings must be held when called for and may be called by the board of directors or, unless a different percentage is stated in the governing documents, by at least 10 percent of the total voting interests of the association.

Thanks for Asking, Fred Gray

Click to read the statute 720.306

Thanks for asking, Fred Gray

Ask Fred

At Gray Systems, we believe that learning shouldn’t end once you step out of the classroom. This blog allows Fred to share his expertise in the Community Association Management (CAM) and Contractor (CILB & ECLB) industries. It’s a place to discuss industry related trends, code changes, insight, and know-how.

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